brew info --json xz
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brew info --json xz [ { "name": "xz", "full_name": "xz", "tap": "homebrew/core", "oldname": null, "oldnames": [ ], "aliases": [ ], "versioned_formulae": [ ], "desc": "General-purpose data compression with high compression ratio", "license": "0BSD and LGPL-2.1-or-later and GPL-2.0-or-later and GPL-3.0-or-later", "homepage": "", "versions": { "stable": "5.6.1", "head": null, "bottle": true }, "urls": { "stable": { "url": "", "tag": null, "revision": null, "using": null, "checksum": "2398f4a8e53345325f44bdd9f0cc7401bd9025d736c6d43b372f4dea77bf75b8" } }, "revision": 0, "version_scheme": 0, "bottle": { "stable": { "rebuild": 0, "root_url": "", "files": { "arm64_sonoma": { "cellar": ":any", "url": "", "sha256": "b5583c24107269a6223a3fae17d83b596d6ce1d84b3497be59670f143d73eaf7" }, "arm64_ventura": { "cellar": ":any", "url": "", "sha256": "ba1734295f99d0090426b520e67f967e40b8b26ee5b258220d56014906c69606" }, "arm64_monterey": { "cellar": ":any", "url": "", "sha256": "0ae9c26448ce55dbc7604640826990ea630e74dfd084b430fa0c13805a58ae20" }, "sonoma": { "cellar": ":any", "url": "", "sha256": "81c5be0ee64277bcee76ae2be974d82de050e815a266885f363b998a9c18117b" }, "ventura": { "cellar": ":any", "url": "", "sha256": "2d778ef01a68e1ace220086a54df3a25f54673a7100603e710d64ed02b7f8353" }, "monterey": { "cellar": ":any", "url": "", "sha256": "4e677b6b71dae40a67ad99fe3d174cff6aec27df234a22265411eb94df0f8fe9" }, "x86_64_linux": { "cellar": ":any_skip_relocation", "url": "", "sha256": "ca86f58b1cecdf378a756bb1e1bad590760b2442f848c1d10a1416d5c506e89f" } } } }, "pour_bottle_only_if": null, "keg_only": false, "keg_only_reason": null, "options": [ ], "build_dependencies": [ ], "dependencies": [ ], "test_dependencies": [ ], "recommended_dependencies": [ ], "optional_dependencies": [ ], "uses_from_macos": [ ], "uses_from_macos_bounds": [ ], "requirements": [ ], "conflicts_with": [ ], "conflicts_with_reasons": [ ], "link_overwrite": [ ], "caveats": null, "installed": [ { "version": "5.4.5", "used_options": [ ], "built_as_bottle": true, "poured_from_bottle": true, "time": 1702399289, "runtime_dependencies": [ ], "installed_as_dependency": true, "installed_on_request": false }, { "version": "5.6.0", "used_options": [ ], "built_as_bottle": true, "poured_from_bottle": true, "time": 1709470584, "runtime_dependencies": [ ], "installed_as_dependency": true, "installed_on_request": false }, { "version": "5.6.1", "used_options": [ ], "built_as_bottle": true, "poured_from_bottle": true, "time": 1710404085, "runtime_dependencies": [ ], "installed_as_dependency": true, "installed_on_request": false } ], "linked_keg": "5.6.1", "pinned": false, "outdated": false, "deprecated": false, "deprecation_date": null, "deprecation_reason": null, "disabled": false, "disable_date": null, "disable_reason": null, "post_install_defined": false, "service": null, "tap_git_head": "b69675931fb0e577a731396494fa98bb89f0c83c", "ruby_source_path": "Formula/x/xz.rb", "ruby_source_checksum": { "sha256": "c6fdad96b9241a377dcbcedd989145392c765e95710fe6509e66fbb256c5d267" } } ]
See also[edit]