dog --help

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dog --help
usage: dog [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--api-key API_KEY] [--application-key APP_KEY] [--pretty] [--raw]
           [--timeout TIMEOUT] [-v] [--api_host API_HOST]

Interact with the Datadog API

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG       location of your dogrc file (default ~/.dogrc) (default: /Users/qs/.dogrc)
  --api-key API_KEY     your API key, from You can also
                        set the environment variables DATADOG_API_KEY or DD_API_KEY (default: None)
  --application-key APP_KEY
                        your Application key, from You
                        can also set the environment variables DATADOG_APP_KEY or DD_APP_KEY (default:
  --pretty              pretty-print output (suitable for human consumption, less useful for scripting)
                        (default: None)
  --raw                 raw JSON as returned by the HTTP service (default: None)
  --timeout TIMEOUT     time to wait in seconds before timing out an API call (default 10) (default: 10)
  -v, --version         Dog API version
  --api_host API_HOST   Datadog site to send data, us (, eu (, us3
                        (, us5 (, ap1 (, gov (ddog-
              , or custom url. default: us (default: None)

    comment             Post, update, and delete comments.
    search              search datadog
    metric              Post metrics.
    tag                 View and modify host tags.
    event               Post events, get event details, and view the event stream.
    monitor             Create, edit, and delete monitors
    timeboard           Create, edit, and delete timeboards
    dashboard           Create, edit, and delete dashboards
    screenboard         Create, edit, and delete screenboards.
    dashboard_list      Create, edit, and delete dashboard lists
    host                Mute, unmute hosts
    downtime            Create, edit, and delete downtimes
    service_check       Perform service checks
                        Create, edit, and delete service level objectives

See also[edit]
