fastlane --help

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fastlane --help
[✔] 🚀
[12:36:20]: Get started using a Gemfile for fastlane
[12:36:20]: WARNING: fastlane requires your locale to be set to UTF-8. To learn more go to environment-variables

  CLI for 'fastlane' - The easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps

        Run using `fastlane [platform] [lane_name]`
        To pass values to the lanes use `fastlane [platform] [lane_name] key:value key2:value2`

  Commands: (* default)
    action                 Shows more information for a specific command
    actions                Lists all available fastlane actions
    add_plugin             Add a new plugin to your fastlane setup
    docs                   Generate a markdown based documentation based on the Fastfile
    enable_auto_complete   Enable tab auto completion
    env                    Print your fastlane environment, use this when you submit an issue on GitHub
    help                   Display global or [command] help documentation
    init                   Helps you with your initial fastlane setup
    install_plugins        Install all plugins for this project
    lanes                  Lists all available lanes and shows their description
    list                   Lists all available lanes without description
    new_action             Create a new custom action for fastlane.
    new_plugin             Create a new plugin that can be used with fastlane
    run                    Run a fastlane one-off action without a full lane
    search_plugins         Search for plugins, search query is optional
    socket_server          Starts local socket server and enables only a single local connection
    trigger              * Run a specific lane. Pass the lane name and optionally the platform first.
    update_fastlane        Update fastlane to the latest release
    update_plugins         Update all plugin dependencies
    swift init init swift

  Global Options:
    --capture_output     Captures the output of the current run, and generates a markdown issue template
    --troubleshoot       Enables extended verbose mode. Use with caution, as this even includes ALL sensitive data.
Cannot be used on CI.
    --env STRING[,STRING2] Add environment(s) to use with `dotenv`
    -h, --help           Display help documentation
    -v, --version        Display version information

  Options for trigger:
    --disable_runner_upgrades Prevents fastlane from attempting to update FastlaneRunner swift project
    --swift_server_port INT Set specific port to communicate between fastlane and FastlaneRunner

    Felix Krause <>



# fastlane 2.197.0 is available. You are on 2.195.0.
# You should use the latest version.
# Please update using `gem install fastlane`.
# Run `gem cleanup` from time to time to speed up fastlane

2.197.0 App Store Connect API Key for download_dsyms
* [action][download_dsyms] add App Store Connect API Key support in the download_dysms action (#19508) via Josh Holtz
* [deliver] fix iPad 12.9" 3rd gen screenshot identifier for App Store Connect API (#17364) via Roger Oba
* [frameit] solution for Frameit trim issue #15332 (#15359) via funnel20
2.196.0 Improvements
* [fastlane_core] symbolize keys in options of type Hash (#19424) via Davide De Rosa
* [snapshot] add snapshot iPad Mini support (#19460) via Paul
* [pem] fix issue OpenSSL empty password (#19459) via Fernando
* [supply] Treat no release note as warning instead of error (#19425) via yanagiragi
* [sigh] add --generate-entitlement-der to resign codesign calls (#19423) via Taylor Fort
* [action][latest_testflight_build] make `LatestTestflightBuildNumberAction` not overwrite existing Actions.lane_context* [snapshot] add the 
iPhone 13 devices so that they can be included in the HTML report page. (#19420) via Yilei "Dolee"
* [screengrab] fix typos in Screengrab options (#19426) via Christoph Dreis
* [supply] fix rollout update (#19411) via Oleksii Malovanyi

Please update using `gem install fastlane`

See also[edit]
