Helm hooks

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pre-install	Executes after templates are rendered, but before any resources are created in Kubernetes
post-install	Executes after all resources are loaded into Kubernetes
pre-delete	Executes on a deletion request before any resources are deleted from Kubernetes
post-delete	Executes on a deletion request after all of the release's resources have been deleted
pre-upgrade	Executes on an upgrade request after templates are rendered, but before any resources are updated
post-upgrade	Executes on an upgrade request after all resources have been upgraded
pre-rollback	Executes on a rollback request after templates are rendered, but before any resources are rolled back
post-rollback	Executes on a rollback request after all resources have been modified
test	Executes when the Helm test subcommand is invoked ( view test docs)

See also[edit]
