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Argument names, block type names, and the names of most Terraform-specific constructs like resources, input variables, etc. are all identifiers.
Identifiers can contain letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-). The first character of an identifier must not be a digit, to avoid ambiguity with literal numbers.
For complete identifier rules, Terraform implements the Unicode identifier syntax, extended to include the ASCII hyphen character -.

Terraform, OpenTofu,, Installation, Terraform AWS, Terraform GCP, Terraform commands, Terraform Cloud, Terraform Enterprise (TFE), HCL, HIL, meta-arguments, providers, modules, resource, provisioners, data sources, backends: remote backends, examples, configuration files, state files, variables, types, Terraform Registry, conditionals: depends_on, functions, Blocks, dynamic blocks, errors, Terragrunt, Terraformer, Terratest, Terraform certifications, Terraform map type, Terraform Associate, Terraform: list type, TF_VAR_, TF_LOG, Terraform provider versioning, Terraform Style Conventions, Required version, Terraform plugin, Terraform Named Values, tags, Changelog, tfsec, tflint, Operators, Expressions: for, splat, Debugging, Namespaces, Terraform Landing Zones, CDKTF, Atmos, Atlantis
