Apache Kafka
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wikipedia:Apache Kafka (Jan 2011, Trends, Scala, Java) is a distributed event store and stream-processing platform.
- Installation:
- macOS:
brew install kafka && brew install zookeeper && brew install kcat
- Docker:
docker pull apache/kafka:3.7.0 && docker run -d --name kafka -p 9092:9092 apache/kafka:3.7.0 && docker exec -it kafka bash
- Kubernetes: Helm install kafka
- macOS:
- Status:
brew services info kafka && brew services info zookeeper
- Configuration:
- Cloud: Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (MSK) (2018)
- Components:
Apache Kafka also works with external stream processing systems such as Apache Apex, Apache Beam, Apache Flink, Apache Spark, Apache Storm, and Apache NiFi.
- Optimized for writing
kafka-acls kafka-broker-api-versions kafka-cluster kafka-configs kafka-console-consumer kafka-console-producer kafka-consumer-groups kafka-consumer-perf-test kafka-delegation-tokens kafka-delete-records kafka-dump-log kafka-features kafka-leader-election kafka-log-dirs kafka-metadata-shell kafka-mirror-maker kafka-preferred-replica-election kafka-producer-perf-test kafka-reassign-partitions kafka-replica-verification kafka-run-class kafka-server-start kafka-server-stop kafka-storage kafka-streams-application-reset kafka-topics kafka-verifiable-consumer kafka-verifiable-producer
- Oct 2022, v3.3.0 https://www.confluent.io/blog/apache-kafka-3-3-0-new-features-and-updates/
- KRaft mode available for new cluster production ready
- Create a Topic using
kafka-topics --create
and send(kafka-console-producer)
and receive messages(kafka-console-consumer)
Related terms[edit]
- PubSub
- Apache Zookeeper distributed and hierarchical key-value store.
- AWS Kinesis
- Sentry
- Conduktor platform
- Zipkin
- Scala
- apt-get install kafkacat
- KRaft (Kafka Raft)
- Cloudera
- Linkedin Cruise-control
- Kafka Streams
- KIP-405: Kafka Tiered Storage
- Pub-sub
- Retention
- Ordering: messages are strictly ordered
See also[edit]
kafka-topics [ --list ]
- Kafka, AWS MSK,
aws kafka
- Kafka,
kafka-cluster -h
,kafka-configs, kafka-features
,kafka-topics, kafka-consumer-groups, kafka-storage, kafka-server-start, kafka-server-stop, kafka-reassign-partitions, kafka-topics, kafka-console-producer
, Amazon MSK, Kafka Connect, 9092,server.properties
, KRaft, Kafka changelog