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wikipedia:kubedump https://github.com/WoozyMasta/kube-dump



To backup all namespaces:

To backup an specific namespace:

Multi namespace[edit]


./kube-dump --help
Dump kubernetes cluster resources

  kube-dump [command] [[flags]]

Available Commands:
  all, dump                     Dump all kubernetes resources
  ns,  dump-namespaces          Dump namespaced kubernetes resources
  cls, dump-cluster             Dump cluster wide kubernetes resources

The command can also be passed through the environment variable MODE.
All flags presented below have a similar variable in uppercase, with underscores
For example:
  --destination-dir == DESTINATION_DIR

  -h, --help                    This help
  -s, --silent                  Execute silently, suppress all stdout messages
  -d, --destination-dir         Path to dir for store dumps, default ./data
  -f, --force-remove            Delete resources in data directory before launch
      --detailed                Do not remove detailed state specific fields
      --output-by-type          Organize output into directories by resource type
      --flat                    Organize all resources of the same type in the same file

Kubernetes flags:
  -n, --namespaces              List of kubernetes namespaces
  -r, --namespaced-resources    List of namespaced resources
  -k, --cluster-resources       List of cluster resources
      --kube-config             Path to kubeconfig file
      --kube-context            The name of the kubeconfig context to use
      --kube-cluster            The name of the kubeconfig cluster to use
      --kube-insecure-tls       Skip check server's certificate for validity

Git commit flags:
  -c, --git-commit              Commit changes
  -p, --git-push                Commit changes and push to origin
  -b, --git-branch              Branch name
      --git-commit-user         Commit author username
      --git-commit-email        Commit author email
      --git-remote-name         Remote repo name, defualt is origin
      --git-remote-url          Remote repo URL

Archivate flags:
  -a, --archivate               Create archive of data dir
      --archive-rotate-days     Rotate archives older than N days
      --archive-type            Archive type xz, gz or bz2, default is tar

Example of use:
  kube-dump dump-namespaces -n default,dev -d /mnt/dump -spa --archive-type gz

Report bugs at:


See also[edit]
