kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:443

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kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:443
Forwarding from -> 8080
curl http://localhost:8080
Handling connection for 8080
E0410 17:19:59.104783   23723 portforward.go:409] an error occurred forwarding 8080 -> 8080: error forwarding port 8080 to pod 
96760574f1e7ef58e113545e5775f2f1b03785aa9019d4a9456c36477b09d425, uid : failed to execute portforward in network namespace "/var/run/netns/cni- 906db5c8-59b7-1ace-aa75-e22c42ca00d9": failed to connect to localhost:8080 inside namespace "96760574f1e7ef58e113545e5775f2f1b03785aa9019d4a9456c36477b09d425", IPv4: dial tcp4 connect: connection refused IPv6 dial tcp6 
[::1]:8080: connect: connection refused 
curl: (52) Empty reply from server
error: lost connection to pod
