nats publish --help

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nats publish --help
usage: nats publish [<flags>] <subject> [<body>]

Generic data publish utility

Body and Header values of the messages may use Go templates to create unique messages.

  nats pub test --count 10 "Message {{Count}} @ {{Time}}"

Multiple messages with random strings between 10 and 100 long:

  nats pub test --count 10 "Message {{Count}}: {{ Random 10 100 }}"

Available template functions are:

  Count            the message number
  TimeStamp        RFC3339 format current time
  Unix             seconds since 1970 in UTC
  UnixNano         nano seconds since 1970 in UTC
  Time             the current time
  ID               an unique ID
  Random(min, max) random string at least min long, at most max

  <subject>  Subject to subscribe to
  [<body>]   Message body

      --reply=REPLY        Sets a custom reply to subject
  -H, --header=HEADER ...  Adds headers to the message
      --count=1            Publish multiple messages
      --sleep=SLEEP        When publishing multiple messages, sleep between publishes
      --force-stdin        Force reading from stdin
