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 apt install osc
osc -A https://api.opensuse.org checkout devel:kubic:libcontainers:stable/cri-tools && cd $_
Your user account / password are not configured yet.
You will be asked for them below, and they will be stored in
/root/.config/osc/oscrc for future use. 

Creating osc configuration file /root/.config/osc/oscrc ...
Username: your-user
1) chainer ChainerBackend (Backend provided by python-keyring)
2) fail Keyring (Backend provided by python-keyring)
3) Config file credentials manager (Store the credentials in the config file (plain text))
4) Obfuscated Config file credentials manager (Store the credentials in the config file (obfuscated))
5) Transient password store (Do not store the password and always ask for the password)
Select credentials manager: 4
Server returned an error: HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized
Error getting meta for project 'devel:kubic:libcontainers:stable' package 'cri-tools'

