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docker pull php:apache
docker build . -t php-apache docker run -d --publish 80:80 --name php-apache php-apache
Dockerfile Working example[edit]
FROM php:apache # Copy your PHP files to the document root COPY index.php /var/www/html # Expose the web server port EXPOSE 80
Bard example[edit]
FROM php:apache # Copy your PHP files to the document root COPY . /var/www/html # Expose the web server port EXPOSE 80 # Start the Apache web server CMD ["apache2", "-D", "FOREGROUND"]
See also[edit]
- php:apache
- PHP,
php-fpm, www.conf
,php -i
, PHP sessions, symfony,fastcgi_pass
,sessionclean (shell script)
,phpsessionclean.service (systemd service),phpquery
, PECL,php --help
, PHPUnit, Laravel, PHP framework, Composer,phpbrew, Xdebug, php --version
, PHP Fatal error, Hello, World! (php), Zend Engine, FROM php