skopeo list-tags

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skopeo list-tags docker://
skopeo list-tags docker://

skopeo list-tags --help
Return the list of tags from the transport/repository "SOURCE-IMAGE"

Supported transports:
docker docker-archive

See skopeo-list-tags(1) section "REPOSITORY NAMES" for the expected format

skopeo list-tags [command options] SOURCE-IMAGE

skopeo list-tags docker://

      --authfile string             path of the authentication file. Default is ${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/containers/auth.json
      --cert-dir PATH               use certificates at PATH (*.crt, *.cert, *.key) to connect to the registry or daemon
      --creds USERNAME[:PASSWORD]   Use USERNAME[:PASSWORD] for accessing the registry
  -h, --help                        help for list-tags
      --no-creds                    Access the registry anonymously
      --password string             Password for accessing the registry
      --registry-token string       Provide a Bearer token for accessing the registry
      --retry-times int             the number of times to possibly retry
      --tls-verify                  require HTTPS and verify certificates when talking to the container registry or daemon
      --username string             Username for accessing the registry

crane ls

See also[edit]
