stakewise-cli sync-db

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./stakewise-cli sync-db
Please choose the network name (mainnet, goerli, harbour_mainnet, harbour_goerli, gnosis) [mainnet]: goerli
Enter your operator wallet address: 0x777...
Enter the database connection string, ex. 'postgresql://username:pass@hostname/dbname': postgresql://example:example@localhost/web3signer_keys
Enter your mnemonic separated by spaces (" "): 

Syncing key pairs		  [------------------------------------]  1/1
Synced 1 key pairs, apply changes to the database? [Y/n]: Y
The database contains 1 validator keys.
Please upgrade the 'web3signer-validators' helm chart with 'validatorsCount' set to 1
Set 'DECRYPTION_KEY' env to '<decryption key>'

See also[edit]
