terraform fmt --help

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terraform fmt --help
Usage: terraform [global options] fmt [options] [target...]
 Rewrites all Terraform configuration files to a canonical format. All
 configuration files (.tf), variables files (.tfvars), and testing files 
 (.tftest.hcl) are updated. JSON files (.tf.json, .tfvars.json, or 
 .tftest.json) are not modified.

 By default, fmt scans the current directory for configuration files. If you
 provide a directory for the target argument, then fmt will scan that
 directory instead. If you provide a file, then fmt will process just that
 file. If you provide a single dash ("-"), then fmt will read from standard
 input (STDIN).

 The content must be in the Terraform language native syntax; JSON is not


 -list=false    Don't list files whose formatting differs
                (always disabled if using STDIN)
 -write=false   Don't write to source files
                (always disabled if using STDIN or -check)
 -diff          Display diffs of formatting changes
 -check         Check if the input is formatted. Exit status will be 0 if all
                input is properly formatted and non-zero otherwise.
 -no-color      If specified, output won't contain any color.
 -recursive     Also process files in subdirectories. By default, only the
                given directory (or current directory) is processed.

See also[edit]
