Terraform module: rds bastion
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To access/create user: SSH users are managed by their public key, simply drop the SSH key of the user in the /public-keys/
path of the bucket. Keys should be named like 'username.pub', this will create the user 'username' on the bastion server. Username must contain alphanumeric characters only.
module "rds_bastion" { source = "Guimove/bastion/aws" version = "2.3.0" bucket_name = "my_famous_bucket_name" .../... }
- Bastion host
aws s3 ls
aws s3 cp ~/.ssh/rsa_key.pub s3://your-bastion-bucket-name/public-keys/
aws s3 ls s3://your-bastion-bucket-name/public-keys/
ls -la ~/.ssh/
See also[edit]
- Amazon databases: AWS RDS, storage,
aws rds
, Amazon RDS Proxy, RDS FAQs, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server, AWS Outposts, Amazon Aurora, Amazon Aurora Serverless , Amazon DocumentDB, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon Redshift, Amazon QLDB, Amazon RDS Performance Insights, DataFileRead, DMS, Amazon Neptune, Amazon MemoryDB for Redis, Amazon RDS query editor for Aurora Serverless, Amazon Redshift query editor, AWS RDS Snapshots, AWS RDS Instance Types,rds_superuser
, Authentication, autoscaling