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Jun 13 10:21:54.049 INFO Starting checkpoint sync, remote_url: https://mainnet-checkpoint-sync.attestant.io/, service: beacon, module: client::builder:358
Jun 13 10:21:54.051 DEBG Downloading finalized state, service: beacon, module: client::builder:422
Jun 13 10:24:54.059 CRIT Failed to start beacon node, reason: Error loading checkpoint state from remote: HttpClient(, kind: timeout, detail: operation timed out), module: lighthouse:641
Jun 13 10:24:54.059 INFO Internal shutdown received, reason: Failed to start beacon node, module: environment:472
Jun 13 10:24:54.059 INFO Shutting down.., reason: Failure("Failed to start beacon node"), module: lighthouse:696

lighthouse beacon_node --execution-endpoint --execution-jwt ~/Library/Ethereum/geth/jwtsecret --allow-insecure-genesis-sync
lighthouse bn --checkpoint-sync-url=https://mainnet-checkpoint-sync.attestant.io --purge-db

See also[edit]
